Thursday, March 29, 2012

My Prayer

I love life, and all that comes with it. I'm blessed and I ain't kidding. I can't believe all that I have. I thank you God, for my mom and dad. Its truly amazing that I know the people I do. I hope, even through life struggles, that I will never forget all that You gave to me. It doesn't seem right, and it doesn't seem fair. For You have given me more than I deserve. I pray that someday, all that You've given me will somehow be returned. and certainly, oh certainly I don't want a reward. I am sorry for the things that I've done, or the things that I've said that would ever make You feel unappreciated, for I know what that's like, and I don't like it all. So dear Lord, what I guess I'm saying is, I'm grateful You listen whenever I call.

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