Tuesday, March 6, 2012

I don't try to be the bad guy, no one does.

All I do is try to make people happy. And what ends up happening, is someone else getting hurt. Its not my fault if someone lies to me. I am easily deceived and gullible. I will admit that. So if someone manipulates me, I will do what makes them happy. It sucks being a people pleaser all the time. People will make lies about me, because I don’t always stand up for my self. and it sucks. I guess I get what I deserve. If I don’t stand up for me, then who will? My life isn’t perfect it’s far from. So before you start pointing fingers. You better look beyond what’s on my face. Sure I have a smile. But that doesn’t mean everything’s okay. And don’t be quick to judge. Examine your own life first. Take into account that sometimes the criminal is the victim… 

"God forbid you had to walk a mile in their shoes, then you really might know what it's like to have to choose."

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