Friday, March 2, 2012

Things I've learned from Love

  • don’t ever trust somebody with everything.
  • stay close, but not too close.
  • if you ever feel like crying, keep it to yourself.
  • nobody really wants to listen to all your problems.
  • there’s usually only one person that can make your day better.
  • don’t be sad over a heartbreak. now you’re free. move onto someone better.
  • if you don’t feel like you’re being treated right, you most likely aren’t.
  • it isn’t the big things people do for you, it’s the little things.
  • a simple statement can make your day, or week.
  • don’t ever say “I love you” until they say it first.
  • never get attached. attachment = dependence.
  • if you think you miss them after one day, try a week or a month.
  • and finally…
  • best friends will always come before love.
  • love kills, it bites, it breaks and sometimes won’t ever forgive.
  • true best friends will stick by forever. through thick and thin. they forgive, and will always love.
  • I guess that’s why they say, “your spouse should be your best friend”…

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