Friday, March 23, 2012

Hello Guys! I'm Back (:

No, I didn't disappear. I was off in a place they call Costa Rica. It was a great, but certainly tireding experience. I am very glad to be home. I missed the sights and weather of good ol' PA. We did many things down there. For six days straight, I got about seven hours of non-quality sleep. Then up in the morning, we would eat (usually something with rice and eggs), go on a hike somewhere to view the country, and after lunch, do some other exciting activity. I was so sore for most of the week. I know though that I was very fortunate to see and do all the things we did. I'm very thankful that I could go on the trip, and view other cultures, and see magnificent plants and animals. I kept a journal down there so I wrote what we did each day, and funny or exciting things that also occurred. I will either make youtube videos of my day, or type them up on here. Thanks for not giving up on me yet. (:

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