Sunday, March 4, 2012


No matter how hard we try or how much we care; we’re always going to be disregarded. Unappreciated. Because you know what? We live in a junk yard. We use things, abuse things, then throw them out. We forget about it, and let it rust. What happened to the days where the people in your life actually mattered? Who’s in your junk yard? Are they buried down deep. I hope not. I hope you didn’t just need them for money, or wanted them for sex. Because. Guess what… They’re a person too. You don’t like it when someone forgets, ignores, or stops caring for you, so why do it to other people. Can’t you see what you’re throwing away? You’ve wasted her. And now she feels like she’s a waste herself. You need to embrace these things. You know the saying, “One’s man trash is another man’s treasure.” Well that’s the same with humans. Don’t screw one over and go onto the next. Make peace with everyone. Nobody should get in the way of your relationships. Keep them separate. You keep one pile over there, and another over here. There’s a reason why people care, and a reason why they give up caring. Don’t be that person that just takes it to the junk yard. Hold on and cherish it. Remember what it was like when you first got it. Apply this to you and your relationships now. I’m tired of feeling like a pile of garbage. 

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