Sunday, February 26, 2012

"Sometimes, when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated"

You would think that as time goes on, you would start to realize you don't need someone to make you happy. Maybe you would miss that certain someone less. Sort of forgetting about him/her. But if that someone is the only one who knows you, truly knows you. Then how can you let that go? If that somebody is the only person that you feel cares about your stories. Or the only person that will share his/her silly, embarrassing stories with you, then who do you turn to. Now, we all say someone is irreplaceable, but I honestly believe I could replace many people in my life. I've finally found someone that I cry about. Just thinking of him. I need that one person so damn much, I can't even describe. Sure, I have my bestest friends. One since I was 8. I love her to death, and she with me. But I know deep down, we both get irritated at each other. And I know what I'm feeling right now is close to when I didn't think my brother was going to make it. I broke down. Thinking. This will never be the same. All those years we spent together, have suddenly halted, and I just want to know you're okay. I just want to hear your voice. I never want to say goodbye. Because I realize, it kills me slowly not having you. Just having you. Those are the same feelings I felt when my brother was in critical condition, and those are the same feelings I get with you. I don't mean having you in a possessive way. I mean having you. Having you here. Available. Being able to feel those things I do when you talk to me, and when you're around. Even getting a text from you, somehow makes my days brighter. This stinks. Honestly. It's hard for me to enjoy stuff as easily as I used to. Because nothing is as great as when I'm with you. Nothing can ever make me euphorically happy as you do. It's horrible. and I truly wish it wasn't this way. I hate these feelings. I really do. There's a void in me. There's vulnerability with everything I say about you. And there's always a feeling of being pathetic. I know I was fine before you. But somehow, even if I shouldn't. I can't imagine life without you. That's as best as I can explain it.

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